An In-depth School Management Solution.
Because of a shared vision, the HOST application was collaboratively created and developed by an afterschool supervisor and an afterschool technology developer. HOST was developed by experienced after school professionals and currently in use by a school district and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
The shared vision was to resolve the lack of an adequate after school management tool. Beginning ten years ago, the plan to produce a robust and comprehensive after school management tool began.
The customizable and inclusive HOST application has reached fruition and is now available.
About Us
HOST was started by an after school supervisor and after school tech. Ten years ago they realized that they had a combined vision. Their school district did not have a tool to manage their after school childcare program. HOST was built similarly to the one develop for their school district as a tool to market for the public.
When a system is developed by the people who use it on a daily basis, it cannot help but to work well. As new features were added, they were tested at program sites.
Once you start using HOST, you won't ever want to use another data management system.